Greens of Colour in Green Party Internal Elections

The Green Party Executive elections have started, all candidates are busy attending hustings organised by the national party, regional parties and the liberation groups like the Greens of Colour.  For the very first time we have 6 members of Green of Colour standing for 4 positions in the Executive, all of whom have submitted a short paragraph below about themselves and why they are standing.  I have included links to their website and social media, follow them, ask them questions and support them.


Rosie Sexton

“I want to be the next Leader of the Green Party because I believe we need to get serious about inclusion, serious about credibility, and serious about gaining political power. This is how we will deliver the action on climate and social justice that we urgently need.”

Friendly Square

“As a party, we need to ensure we’re addressing the everyday challenges of those experiencing poverty or discrimination with the same passion that we bring to our concern for the environment. We must reach out to those who may not think of themselves as Greens, and we should make a habit of asking “whose voice isn’t represented here?” in all our discussions.

From my earliest experiences as a mixed-race child in a mostly white neighbourhood, to my time as a woman in male-dominated professions, I know how it feels to be an outsider. I want us to build a Green movement where people from all groups, backgrounds and walks of life feel comfortable and represented. I understand the scale of the challenge, but I’m determined that with compassion, listening and leadership we can do better.”

Follow Rosi’s campaign on Twitter and Facebook

Shahrar Ali

“We need to be reaching out by all necessary means – vocalising and campaigning to combat the daily oppression and lack of opportunity faced by BME communities.”


I have been campaigning for years for the rights and wellbeing of these communities against successive governments’ hostile environment policies – from Guantanamo, the Windrush scandal and Islamophobic Prevent to stop and search and racist van slogans.

I was the first BME deputy of a UK parliamentary party, launching our first BME manifesto. I am seeking your vote now to become the first BME leader – because I’m first and foremost Green and what to see us move beyond our comfort zone.

Follow Shahrar’s campaign on Twitter and Facebook

Deputy Leadership

Cleo Lake

“It is time for the Green Party to step up and – to visibly champion social and racial justice, and that starts with its leadership. Real change has to start internally before we can begin to tackle the urgent changes needed across society.”


I am a skilled communicator, advocate and public speaker; I know how to manage large stakeholder engagement and really excelled in my role as the Lord Mayor of Bristol. I center justice at the heart of my work – evidenced by the campaigns I have championed in my political positions. I walk the walk. I speak truth to power.

I believe in leadership with compassion, in being ambitious, bold, and brave, working globally as well as locally and championing the voices of the underrepresented, by amplifying their voices, not claiming to speak ‘for’ them.  I pledge to actively support and mentor young people who have done so much to raise the alarm on the climate and racism emergency through the youth strikes and BLM movement. I see such hope in young people rising up.

As Frederick Douglas said – ‘Power concedes nothing without a demand’ and it’s time to truly bring people with us as we make the necessary and urgent demands to put the planet on a sustainable, just and equal footing.  I am a change maker with credibility and I will bring authenticity as well as passion and commitment to the role. If we are to truly challenge and address the social, civil, environmental and economic crisis that face us then we must be bold. We must be progressive. We must be radical, and we must start now.

Follow Cleo’s campaign on Twitter

GPEx International Co-ordinator

Claudine Letsae

“I am standing for International Co-ordinator to ensure GPEW is aligned strongly with its internationalist and philosophical basis. After gaining a Masters in International Human Rights Law, I have worked with several International Human Rights organisations, both independently and through the UK’s Law Society.”


As part of the International Action Team (AIT), which focuses on human rights violations, I report breaches by states or non-state actors against human rights defenders or lawyers at risk. I provide reports directly to the UN Human Rights Council or the UN Special Rapporteurs. The link between international human rights, environmental justice, and social and cultural rights is key. We cannot deal effectively with environmental issues, without addressing poverty and inequality on a global scale. As a Woman of African heritage, we need to re-establish links with the African, Americas and Asian diaspora within the UK, to develop robust international policy and effective international relations.

Follow Claudine’s campaign on Twitter

Alex Horn

Born in London of mixed Danish – Trinidadian parentage, I am a truly international person.  I speak 3 languages fluently (English French and Spanish) and have lived in five countries in and outside Europe. Internationalism is at the heart of what I am.

Alex Horn 03

As a BAME candidate I bring diversity to the Green Party at a time when it really needs more BAME representation at its core and throughout its membership.

Together with Erwin Schaefer, who speaks German, we represent a truly international team ideally suited to building and strengthening the international bridges the Green Party desperately needs, by improving cross-border communication and learning from our sister Green Parties abroad.

Follow Alex’s campaign on Facebook and Instagram

GPEx Trade Union Liaison Officer

Kefentse Dennis

Trade Unions are very important, not only to the workers we would be representing, but it would legitimatise us as a party with serious pedigree, and raise us out of the ‘small party’ category. Affiliating with like-minded organisations like green think-tanks, feminist group, and community enterprises for example would push our green policies further into the consciousness of the society, as the threat of climate change and further social injustices continues to threaten our world.


I want to be the person who would fulfil these objectives not only because I believe in this party but also because of my academic qualifications in Environmental Management and Sustainability. My work experience, and being a member of The Green Party has led me to gain essential skills including organisational skills, resilience, communication, and resourcefulness for this role.

Follow Kefentse’s campaign on Twitter and Facebook

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