Welcome to Greens of Colour (GoC). We are a subgroup within the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW). We aim to advance the rights of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities in the UK (BAME), including those who identify as People of Colour (PoC).
- Our communities represent the global majority.
- Our communities have rich historical, intersectional and cultural differences.
- Our communities have a legacy of innovation, contribution, and vibrancy both here in the UK and abroad.
The GoC increases awareness and shares information about issues facing BAME & PoC in the Green Party and in society as a whole.
GOC will build a more sustainable and just society where everyone is valued, respected and empowered, regardless of their race, class, gender, ability and sexuality.
Commitment Document – 2019
In the lead up to the December 2019 snap election, the GoC produced a Commitment Document.
It sets out the policies contained in the Green Party Manifesto, with a specific focus on the issues facing People of Colour in the UK and around the world.
See press release
2016 London Bame Manifesto
2015 BAME Manifesto
GoC Constitution
The GoC guidance sets out how the groups governs and operates. Read GoC constitution
Green Party Core Values
For many people, it’s hard to agree with all of one party’s policies – because there are so many of them! That’s why the Green Party has set out some core green values to help you work out if you align with the party’s ethos.
It’s very short, have a quick read!
Risk Assessment Form – Covid 19
Risk Assessment to support members and colleagues to make the best decisions to safeguard themselves and their loved ones Green Party Core Values Risk Assessment Form Join our movement
Donate To the Greens of Colour

2019 Manifesto