Reporting back from EGM: GoC Constitutional Changes

Thank you for joining us at the Extraordinary General Meeting at Autumn Conference if you were able to!

At a fruitful meeting, sections 2.5 and 3.6 of the Greens of Colour Constitution were ratified at the EGM (replacing the old 2.5, and renumbering 3.6 onwards). The new section 2.5 reads as follows:

2.5 The Executive Committee shall normally be elected annually, and the results ratified at the next AGM. Voting can be hybrid – using both online and in-person voting – with one vote only per Greens of Colour Member in good standing with their GPEW Membership. Voting shall take place through a single transferable vote system. A quorum for the AGM shall consist of 10 members.

and the new 3.6 reads as follows:

3.6 The Greens of Colour Chair and co-Chair/Deputy Chair,  or their designated representative(s) will have their Autumn Conference registration fees and other costs paid (if necessary), those funds being available. This will be to help enable them to represent the interests of GoC at this event.

We are pleased to see these changes to the constitution and hope that you will continue to support our work!

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