Gearing up for GPEx and Deputy Leader elections

The Green Party Executive and Deputy Leader elections are coming up very soon and there are a bunch of roles to run for. You could be the new…

  • Chair,
  • Campaigns Co-ordinator,
  • Elections Co-ordinator,
  • External Communications Co-ordinator,
  • Management Co-Ordinator,
  • International Co-Ordinator or
  • Trade Union Liaison Officer!

If any of these roles sound like they could be for you, then now is the time to get your nomination together!

We would love to see more GoC representation across the party and really encourage you to nominate yourselves. If you’re interested but feeling a bit uncertain, there is an information event for prospective GPEx candidates on 7 June, 18.30-19.30 – you can register for it here.

Nominations for all of the above roles will open at 10am on Wednesday 1st June 2022 and close at noon on Thursday 30th June 2022.

Any Greens of Colour who wish to stand may contact Kefentse Dennis (as retiring Trade Union Liaison Officer) for more information. Email us at The Deyika Fund is also here to support potential GoC candidates.

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