Asian and Pacific Islanders’ Heritage Month

Written By Lilly Hayward

May is the Asian and Pacific Islanders’ Heritage Month.  Whilst this is an official month of observation in the USA, it is not recognised here in the UK.  However, we the Greens Of Colour would like to acknowledge this month.  We would like to encourage you to take time to learn more about these various cultures, their contributions to the UK, the issues they face today, and most importantly, how we can support them.

With restaurants closed, museums shuts, and social-distancing in order, how is best to make the most of this month? Here are some ideas:

  • Get a takeaway from a local Asian restaurant (I am sadly yet to find Pacific Islander restaurants on Just Eat near me). East Asian restaurants in particular have been suffering during this pandemic with unfounded accusations of spreading the virus.
  • Take an online museum or gallery tour. This is a great way to interact with artefacts, artwork, and learn about the histories of cultural objects (also a time to question if they should even be in British and western museums on permanent display in the first place!).
  • Take part in a reading challenge! YouTuber Cindy (readwithcindy) has been holding an annual readathon to mark the month.  Check out her challenge which has an Asian and Pacific Islanders reading list.  The list is extensive, and you can even add your own recommendations via a separate form.  If the list isn’t your cup of tea, it’s still worth having a search for other authors and books that are more to your liking!
  • LEGALLY watch films and TV shows directed by and/or starring Asian or Pacific Islanders (legally because they don’t get enough attention as it is, at least let them be paid for their creations). Check out podcasts (I recommend United Zingdom) and explore musicians too!

Hope you have a good rest of month and take care if yourselves!

The challenge and reading list:

The form for recommendations:

Youtube readwithcindy channel:

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